
From 2006 to 2011, Canada welcomed 1,162,900 immigrants

From 2006 to 2011, Canada welcomed 1,162,900 immigrants. The migration of Asia and the Middle East continues to be the primary basis, which is 661,000 in Canada or 56.9% of the new arrivals. Europe was the second largest source of some 159,700 people, but only 13.7 percent of the new people are new. The migration of Africa, the Caribbean, Central America and the South America has increased steadily since 2006. Currently Canada has a total of three immigrants from Canada, up to 145,700, or 12.5 percent of recent people. Migration from other Caribbean, South America, and Central America to the top, and 12.3% of all from 2006 to 2011. The NHS said at the same time, the Finnish country gave the highest number of immigrants to Canada. In 2011, 13.1 percent of immigrants were born in the Philippines, 10.5 percent in China and 10.4 percent in India. The United States, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Iran, South Korea, Colombia and Mexico have recently been excluded from the list of ten majo

The 1980s and 1990s Refugees

In the 1980s, the number of entry to Canada and number of refugees in the state increased, and the Canadian firm's system tightly pressed the applicants to proceed. Canadians are not concerned about the refugee claimants, some Canadians worry that most of the refugee claimants who successfully made it through the determination process were not really legitimate refugees, but people looked at strict Canadian immigration regulation rules. Some accused accused of "system misuse" and clogging immigration and refugee determination processes. Still many claim that refugees from Canada claim that Canada itself is giving the opportunity to pick and choose refugees abroad, and only choose suitable Canadian refugees. In Canada, it was advisable, refugees should choose, refugees are not allowed to choose Canada. The refugee issue was dramatically brought to Canada in the late 1980's, when two ships illegally detained their Sikh and Tamil refugees claimants on the eastern

Finding Refuge in Canada

Toward the end of World War II, refugees and others were kidnapped over warfare and violence have become an important part of immigrants in Canada. Labor After the war shortage in Canada, thousands of people left homeless by the homeless war or at the end of the war were found outside their nationality, where they refused to be denied themselves. The Jewish Holocaust was among the refugees who had no community or family, so they returned. Some refugees have refused to return to fallen countries under Soviet rule. Many councilors are in rehabilitation centers, where they have built a new life. Because of the dissatisfaction in 196 against the Hungarian movement of the Soviet Union in 1968, political changes refugees fled to the west. In each of these cases, refugees probably agree as immigration regulations have been issued, and without following the normal immigration process. In 1978, Canada launched a new Immigration Act , which, for the first time, is the responsibility of na

Canadian Immigration Point System

This does not mean that anyone who wants to enter Canada can do that. Although the limitations of national or national origin have gone, Canada still maintains a strict benchmark to determine and is not a qualified candidate for Canadian entry. In the late 1960s, Canada introduced a point format to determine the applicant's ability to migrate to Canada. Under this system, the ability to talk to each applicant age, education, English or French, and the demands for the job applicant's job skills. If an applicant is in good health and good character and earns a considerable number of points, he is in full swing with his spouse and dependent children. Those who did not score enough points did not get admitted to them. Recently, Canada has revised its method of giving priority to the admission of independent, efficient and immediate recruitment of immigrant immigrants. Once established in Canada, every new arrival, now called a "land immigrant", is the right to bi

The Removal of Racial and Ethnic Barriers

By the end of the 1945 war, Canadian immigration laws continued from the years of traditional warfare. It has not changed for the moment. A post-economic boom, the growing labor market and labor force is a requirement for operations, Canada's gradual European immigrants since its doors are open, the first in the UK and Western Europe - from foreign countries in Canada's traditional authority - but ultimately throughout Europe, and the Cold War at first, but, the migration of Eastern Europe ended. The western border was closed by the Soviet Union and its partners. Most migrants, however, enter Canada from southern Europe, especially in Italy, Greece, and Portugal.Unlike the past period in the country's immigration camp, war crimes are only agricultural or mining industries or enthusiasm as a gap and not based rural flows. Canada from World War II in urban areas, industrial power has already existed, and soon the next generation of production and construction projects took